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Lemon Juice To Use as Skin Care Products

Lemon juice is so versatile that it’s commonly used for culinary, cosmetic in addition to medicinal purposes. It is equally used for skin and hair care. As far as skincare is concerned, lemon juice is used to make the skin soft and supple.

Lemon juice to Skincare is a natural exfoliant, skin brightener and anti-infective. Fresh lemon juice is rich in fruit acids which will exfoliate to gently remove the dead skin cells and will also bleach darkened or discolored areas.

Fresh lemon Juice For Skin Care :
  • Brighten and lighten fingernails by soaking them in fresh lemon juice for ten minutes.
  • As a strategy to blackheads, clogged pores and blemishes, apply fresh lemon juice to areas at night. Do not wash off before the morning.
  • The easiest method is to dab a tiny bit of the juice on the dark spots (daily) and leave it for approximately ten to fifteen minutes, before rinsing.
  • If you’re allergic to lemon, stay away from it. If you suspect any skin reaction, use a small amount on the inner arm, before utilizing it on the face.
  • Rub lemon peel over joints to eliminate brown spots. Apply full strength to discolored and darkened areas during the night and leave on until the morning.
  • Once per week, apply a face mask that can be made in your own home, by mixing equal levels of lemon juice and milk with sufficient flour to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply full strength or diluted with water like a facial toner to exfoliate and lighten your skin, to prevent and treat clogged pores, blackheads and blemishes.


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