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50 Small Tips for Losing Weight

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Here are 50 small things that you can do every day to lose weight:

50 small tips for losing weight

1. Sleep 8 hours a night

Remember to sleep enough. When you’re sleep deprived you won’t have energy to exercise and you’re a lot more likely to make poor choices of food.

2. Drink more water

Don’t drink calories – swap all your sugary drinks (fruit juices, sodas, alcoholic drinks etc.) to plain, sparkling or fruit infused water. This has several benefits: you will drink less calories, there won’t be spikes in your blood sugar levels and your skin will be happy. Sometimes your brain also confuses thirst to hunger so it’s best to keep hydrated. Try drinking lemon water in the morning.

3. Take the bus/train/metro to work

This will force you to walk to the bus stop/metro/train station and back each day.

4. Always keep healthy snacks with you

That sounds a bit boring I know but seriously: this is a good piece of advice. Have a small bag of mixed nuts with you for emergencies. It just might help you make it through the mid afternoon energy slump without purchasing a bar of chocolate.

5. Have sweets with your meals

If you absolutely have to eat something sugary like candy always have them with your meal. This way it will have less impact on your blood sugar levels and insulin.

6. Did you eat something you were not supposed to? Don’t dwell on it.

Move on. If you just ate some chocolate you were not supposed to, get over it. You haven’t ruined anything. Remember: Progress not perfection.

7. Choose vegetables at dinner instead of a potato

Have lots of vegetables instead of potato, pasta or rice at dinner.

8. Jump your way through the TV commercials

Do jumping jacks on TV commercial breaks. Before you notice it you’ll have done 10 minutes of quality workout each evening. You can also walk or run in place, do push ups or just stretch.

9. Have a salad for lunch

Make a tasty salad at home and have it for lunch at work. Salad is the easiest way to have a healthy low carb lunch. Remember: A salad is not just lettuce and cucumbers. Add plenty of protein and good fats.

10. Decide to walk 15 minutes extra a day

Walking is pretty much the best thing that you can do for your health. Make a commitment to walk at least 15 minutes more than you do right now, every single day.

11. Write a shopping list

For weight loss, planning is everything. Writing a shopping list is planning at best. Make a list when you go shopping for the groceries. Stick to the list.

12. Measure your weight loss progress

Your brain (or even your eyes!) might not notice the changes that are happening. Document and track your results for motivation. You are getting results.

13. Brush your teeth after a meal

Brush your teeth regularly. When you have that minty freshness in your mouth you are less likely going to snack unnecessarily.

14. Have fruits and vegetables on every meal

Promise yourself to have at least one portion of either fruits, berries or vegetables on every single meal of the day. You’ll get your five a day, easily. And a lot of fiber.

15. Drink tea for a snack

Feel like you need that afternoon snack break? Have a big cup of tea instead. The craving to eat something unhealthy might disappear.

16. Eat breakfast – when it’s most convenient for you

I don’t believe in forcing down the breakfast first thing in the morning if it doesn’t feel natural to you. Take your breakfast with you to work – a fruit or a smoothie will do – and have it when you get hungry an hour or two later.

17. Cut back on alcohol

Have a smaller glass of red wine. You don’t have to cut it out completely, red wine is good for you. If you’re used to having some red wine with your dinner, that’s fine. Just try to cut back the amount of wine to half. You don’t need a lot of it to enjoy it. Or have the same amount as before, but every second night instead of daily.

18. Document your workouts

Keep a diary of your workouts, especially when it comes to going to gym. Write down the weights and reps and also how you felt after each set. If it felt too easy, you’ll remember to up the weights the next time.

19. Eat a pound of vegetables a day

This is important for weight loss – and keeping the weight off. Aim to eat a pound (half a kilo) of vegetables each day.

20. Lift weights

Really. Even once a week is good – twice a week is great. The older you get the more important this is.

21. Listen to music

I don’t know about you but this is super important for me. I just need to hear that rhythm and beat of a good song and I get so much energy! It gets me moving. Load all your favorite tunes to your iPod. Choose songs that make you want to dance. Take your iPod with you wherever you go. Take a look at this list of high energy workout music for new ideas.

22. Eat a lot of lean protein

I think it’s safe to say that a lot of people don’t eat enough protein. Protein is so important for your muscles and you really want to keep your muscles. Lose the fat and keep the muscle. Choose mostly lean protein, there are so many sources of protein to choose from.

23. Take fish oil supplements

Research suggests that taking fish oil might have a positive influence on your body fat. It is really good for your skin as well.

24. Plan what you eat

You can do it for a week in advance or the day before, just do it. This way you’ll have the assurance that you’re making the right decisions every day.

25. Write down everything you eat

Use a free online app such as Spark People for a week, or even a day. Go through the list of the things that you ate and pay attention to these points:

  • How many calories do you eat a day?
  • Do you get enough protein?
  • Does anything stand out?
  • What can you do to eat a little less calories?
  • Can you swap something for a healthier option or leave something out?

26. Fill half of your lunch or dinner plate with vegetables

Choose raw or cooked vegetables and leafy greens for half a plate and then add the rest of your lunch or dinner.

27. Exercise in the morning

Do your workout in the morning. You know you’ll be so tired after a day at work. Exercise such as going for a walk, swim or to the gym is also such a great way to start a morning.

28. See your weight loss project as a positive thing

Think positive, not negative. When it comes to food don’t concentrate on what you can’t have but what you can have. Make your food taste great – healthy food doesn’t mean boring food.

29. Make dark chocolate your go to treat

If you absolutely need a dessert go for dark chocolate. Have just a square or two. It will satisfy your sweet tooth and have some health benefits as well.

30. Learn more about health, food and active lifestyle

Educate yourself when it comes to weight loss. Buy books, subscribe to your favorite weight loss blogs and order weight loss or fitness magazines for more information and constant motivation.

31. Avoid white and beige food

Stay away from white and beige foods as a rule of thumb. They are usually processed and/or lack in nutrients.

32. Cut back on sugar

Pay attention to how much sugar you eat. Have added sugar just once or twice a week instead of daily.

33. Spice up your food

Learn to use herbs and spices in your dishes – you’ll need less sugar and salt.

34. Keep healthy snacks at hand

Have a bowl or bag of baby carrots or cucumber sticks in your fridge.

35. Be vary of dried fruit

Dried fruit is obviously fruit so it’s not too bad but remember that dried fruit contains a lot of calories and if you’re like me you’ve eaten a whole bag before you notice it. Have an apple or two instead.

36. Take the stairs

You’ve heard this before but it is so important to be active during the day. Decide that you’ll always take the stairs if you’re going five flights of stairs or less.

37. Tell yourself you’re doing great

Give yourself credit for the small changes you’re making. Literally pat yourself on the back after a good workout. Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what a great job you’re doing with your diet. Sounds silly but you’re doing this for yourself, it’s not easy and you’re doing so well.

38. Portion control might be important

In general I don’t believe in eating less. I think you need to eat a lot, but just make wiser decisions when it comes to the ingredients. However, if you want to eat the same food you’ve eaten before (food that’s not very healthy) you have to eat smaller portions.
Also, always have just one plate of food, don’t go for seconds.

39. Play

It will not only make you happier but you’ll also be burning calories.

40. Make your own salad dressing

Stay away from store bought salad dressings. They often contain sugar, poor quality oils and additives. Make your own from extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, herbs and spices. Add turmeric for health benefits.

41. Make your own lunch

This is the only way to know exactly what you’re eating. And you’ll save some money.

42. Stand and move during your day at work

If you have an office job try standing a part of the day instead of sitting. Have walking meetings for example. Walk and take the stairs during your day at work. When you have to think about something or take a phone call do it by walking around. If you have something to say to somebody – visit them instead of sending an email. Set an alarm to remind you to move a bit every 60 minutes.

43. Try a diet programme

If you want to have structure in your diet you could try a weight loss programme such as the Mediterranean diet, Whole30 (not really a weight loss programme but you probably will lose weight and it’s just 4 weeks, see my results) or another diet.

44. Make your favorite meals a bit healthier

If you really have to have a pizza or burger make the meal more healthy by having just half a pizza and half plate salad or burger with a salad instead of french fries.

45. Store only healthy food at home

Do not buy anything unhealthy when you do your weekly shopping. If you don’t have it in your house, you wont eat it. If you need to have it make yourself walk to the supermarket to get it.

46. Do small workouts several times a day

If you do a 5 minute workout 6 times a day (every two hours) you’ll have done a 30 minute workout. Research suggests it’s just as efficient and has the same health and weight loss benefits.

47. Go through your pantry

Throw/give away everything that you do not want to eat in order to lose weight.

48. Do short intense workouts

None of us have time to exercise – make them short, but make them count. It’s a lot better to do an intensive 20 minute workout six times a week than two hours once a week.

49. Look for new recipes

It might be boring to try to make healthier versions of your favorite recipes so try some new ones. Look especially for new ways to add vegetables to your diet. There are so many recipes out there.

50. Find your passion

Find a “workout” that you love. It could be dancing, rock climbing or hiking. Just something that makes you move and you enjoy it so much you don’t even consider it a workout.
When it comes to losing weight – It all adds up.
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Celebrate Spring With a Floral Spring Brunch

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Winter is nearing its end, and with that comes the glorious spring season. With everything in bloom, floral eye candy is popping up in our gardens and at parks around town. We’ve got flowers on the mind, so today we’ve teamed up with Triscuit to help you welcome the season with spring-themed party ideas chock full of blooms and delicious treats. Floral attire is a must at this shindig, as are a bellini or two :) For the finishing touch, we’ve got three Triscuit appetizers topped with simple ingredients that will keep you coming

back for more. Dare I say we didn’t have any left at the end of our shoot!

Triscuit + Serrano Ham + Manchego Cheese + Watermelon

This decadent appetizer is one part crunchy, two parts salty and one part

 sweet. And it couldn’t be better.
– Triscuit crackers
– serrano ham
– manchego cheese

add a small piece of manchego cheese and a tiny bite of watermelon.
triscuit-watermelon-fix-2Who knew watermelon would go so well with cheese and ham?!

Triscuit + Brie Cheese + Fig Jam + Marcona Almonds

This flavor combination will leave an aftertaste you’ll want to keep forever.
– Triscuit crackers
– Brie cheese
– fig jam
– Marcona almonds

We went for goat cheese brie!
Fig-Brie-Almond-Triscuit-RecipeFirst try to cut a wedge of Brie cheese to add to your Triscuit. If your cheese is too gooey, just smear some on top. Then add a touch of fig jam for some sweetness, and finish off with a single marcona almond.
Fig-FirstYou’ll have a spring in your step after you eat a few of these!

Triscuit + Smoked Salmon + Avocado + Lemon Juice

A classic pairing of smoked salmon and avocado tastes light and fresh atop a Triscuit. Douse it with a squeeze of lemon to bring out the flavors.
– Triscuit crackers
– smoked salmon
– avocado
do to check on the color. If it’s bright green, your avocado is perfectly ripe.
Salmon-Triscuit-RecipeAdd some smoked salmon to your cracker, then top it with a small slice of avocado. Simply add a few drops of lemon to the top for a citrus kick.
Salmon-Triscuit-FirstFlavor-packed FTW! Triscuit crackers are made for more… and more they get with these amazing toppings. Not a fan of salmon? Not a problem. There are so many topping combinations that taste great with Triscuit. The possibilities are endless!

Floral Centerpiece


To amp up our theme, we made a floral centerpiece in pink hues.
Flower-ArrangementPick up some seasonal flowers and greens from a nearby market, some floral foam and a vase. Start out by soaking your foam. Next, add your greens, then your focal flowers and finally your fillers. Check out our Floral Design Class for more tips and tricks.
Final-Flower-ArrangementSo pretty!

DIY Table Weights

Sometimes spring brings breezy weather, so to keep your tablecloth from blowing in the wind, use these DIY table weights.
WashersSimply grab a two-inch diameter washer from a hardware store, then print out our donut printables and tape them on top.

Spring Garland

A floral garland is a must!
Party-SetupFor this DIY, we got large flower pots and filled them with sand. Then we purchased two rods and had them cut to six and a half feet. We added eye hooks to the top, then strung flowers on twine and hung them between the eye hooks. Bury your rods in the sand to hold your garland up over the table. For extra cute points, get mini balloons that spell “spring,” and string them alongside the flowers.
Party-Flower-GarlandServe fairy bread and bellinis for a sweet finish. Your friends will just LOVE this little soirée.
Fairy-BreadWe cut out our fairy bread with flower-shaped cookie cutters to go the extra 

Party-CheersingCheers to the warmer weather!
Paige-feeding-kellyWhat else would you add to this spring soirée? Tweet us your ideas 
This post is a collaboration with Triscuit.
DIY Production and Styling: Roxy Taghavian and Anita Yung
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If you want to impress a stranger, here are the body language mistakes to avoid

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One way we can “hack” this split-second judgement is to be aware of our body language, especially in important situations. Whether you’re applying for a job, asking for a raise, or meeting with a new client, tweaking or just being mindful of our body language can influence the other person’s perception of us and the outcome of the situation.

15 Body language blunders to watch out for:

  1. Leaning back too much—you come off lazy or arrogant.
  2. Leaning forward—can seem aggressive. Aim for a neutral posture.
  3. Breaking eye contact too soon—can make you seem untrustworthy or overly nervous. Hold eye contact a hair longer, especially during a handshake.
  4. Nodding too much—can make you look like a bobble head doll! Even if you agree with what’s being said, nod once and then try to remain still.
  5. Chopping or pointing with your hands—feels aggressive.
  6. Crossing your arms—makes you look defensive, especially when you’re answering questions. Try to keep your arms at your sides.
  7. Fidgeting—instantly telegraphs how nervous you are. Avoid it at all costs.
  8. Holding your hands behind your back (or firmly in your pockets)—can look rigid and stiff. Aim for a natural, hands at your sides posture.
  9. Looking up or looking around—is a natural cue that someone is lying or not being themselves. Try to hold steady eye contact.
  10. Staring—can be interpreted as aggressive. There’s a fine line between holding someone’s gaze and staring them down.
  11. Failing to smile—can make people uncomfortable, and wonder if you really want to be there. Go for a genuine smile especially when meeting someone for the first time.
  12. Stepping back when you’re asking for a decision—conveys fear or uncertainty. Stand your ground, or even take a slight step forward with conviction.
  13. Steepling your fingers or holding palms up—looks like a begging position and conveys weakness.
  14. Standing with hands on hips—is an aggressive posture, like a bird or a dog puffing themselves up to look bigger.
  15. Checking your phone or watch—says you want to be somewhere else. Plus, it’s just bad manners.
So, what should you do? Aim for good posture in a neutral position, whether sitting or standing. Stand with your arms at your sides, and sit with them at your sides or with your hands in your lap. Pay attention so that you naturally hold eye contact, smile, and be yourself.
If you discover you have a particular problem with one or two of the gestures on the list, practice by yourself with a mirror or with a friend who can remind you every time you do it, until you become aware of the bad habit yourself.
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12 Most Life-Changing Beauty Hacks Ever

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Looking gorgeous and smelling incredible have never been more foolproof

Looking gorgeous and smelling incredible have never been more foolproof.

1. For better grip, flip the bobby pin over so the wavy side is against your head.

If you have a hard time keeping your bobby pins in place, try flipping the pin over. The straight side is slicker and won't grip as well as the wavy, more textured side.

2. Insert bobby pins into your ponytail holder vertically to prop up your ponytail.
Once you've put your hair in a ponytail, insert two or three bobby pins halfway inside the elastic and facing downward toward the crown of your head. Then, fluff your ponytail and flip it over for a fuller look that won't sag or droop.

Left: Before; Right: After

3. Texturize milkmaid braids with a teasing brush or toothbrush.
French maid braids look best when they're roughed up a little to achieve that lived-in look. To get that effect instantly, take a teasing brush or a toothbrush, and texturize the braids by brushing them against the way they've been braided.

4. Twist your hair, and slip your bobby pin underneath to discreetly pin back your strands.
If you're looking for a way to pull back the sides of your hair but don't want the pins to show, try this simple technique: Insert a bobby pin with the open end pointing toward your face and in the opposite direction of the section you're pinning back. If one bobby pin isn't strong enough, try using a larger one or reinforce it with a second pin right below.

5. Dust an eyeshadow (in the same color family as your hair) along your part to shade your scalp slightly, making your hair appear thicker.
Not only will this trick work IRL, but in pictures your hair will appear super-thick. You can also use this hack along your hairline if you wear it in a ponytail a lot or simply don't like to part your hair to get the same results.

6. Use a concealer that's slightly lighter than your skin tone to line three tiny sections of your eyes: the inner "V," the middle section of your eyelid, and just below your brow bone.
Lightly blend for instantly well-rested eyes and a highlight that looks natural. Great for days when you didn't get enough sleep.

Product in this look: Nudestix Concealer Pencil Crayon Correcteur in "Light 2"

7. Amp up your going-out makeup by contouring and highlighting your facial features with two concealers: one two shades darker than your skin tone and one two shades lighter. 
If you're using pencil concealers, you have more control of the placement, which makes contouring easy. Just draw the lighter shade of concealer on the areas that naturally catch light, and use a darker one to shade in the areas that are naturally shaded. Then, blend with a buffing brush like this one from Tarte Cosmetics.

Products in this look: Nudestix Concealer Pencil Crayon Correcteur in "Light 1"; Nudestix Concealer Pencil Crayon Correcteur in "Deep 8"; and Sonia Kashuk Core Tools Large Duo Fibre Multipurpose Brush

8. Fix foundation stains with a little bit of shaving cream.
If you take off your shirt and accidentally smudge your makeup on the collar, just wipe a dollop of shaving cream on the spot to pretreat it before tossing it in the wash.

9. Turn a pencil eyeliner into a gel formula with the help of a match.
Hold your black, green, burgundy, etc., kohl eye pencil (which typically creates a thin, harder-to-apply line), under the flame for one second, let it cool for 15 seconds, and then watch the consistency change right before your eyes. Glide on your newly made gel liner for an instantly smudgier formula.

10. Use the handle and the rounded edge of a spoon to create the perfect winged liner.
Hold the handle of a spoon against the outer corner of your eye, and draw a straight line. Then, flip the spoon so it's hugging your eyelid, and use the rounded outer edge to create a perfectly curved, winged tip. After you've made your outline, fill it in, and draw a line across your lashline to finish the look.
11. Dust baby powder over your eyelashes between the first and second coats of mascara to plump up your lashes.
Translucent powder or baby powder has grip, so it will stick to your lashes in between each coat of mascara, making your lashes appear more voluminous.

12. Get the perfect smoky eye by drawing a hashtag on the outer corner of your eyelid and smudging it out with the sponge.
Keep drawing hashtags and smudging it out to get a darker, smokier look.

Place the edge of the tape in line with your bottom lash line and angle the top toward the end of your eyebrow.
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Preparation: purple – Purple Day 26 March!

Epilepsy Action chief executive, Philip Lee, calls on all readers to get purplicious on the global day for epilepsy awareness – Purple Day! Whether raising money, awareness or simply smiles, find out how you can get involved.

Make a donation to Epilepsy Action

Every donation, no matter how large or small, helps to build a brighter future for people with epilepsy. Thank you for your support.
Thursday 26 March is Purple Day – my absolute favorite day at work. Founded by Cassidy Megan in 2008, it is the one day of the year when we all work together to help make epilepsy visible. You, me, Cassidy and the world! It is the day when people without epilepsy ask: ‘Why purple? What is epilepsy?’
The event can be a lot of fun. Still, among photos of purple wristbands, violet hair and lavender socks, braces and cakes, we also share serious messages about epilepsy. Here are a few ideas on how we can work together again this year to make Purple Day bigger, bolder and purpler than ever before!

Pick up a purple pack

Once again, we are urging everybody to turn their world purple on 26 March! You can do this in any old way you choose – but if you aren’t sure where to start, help is at hand.

Your purple fundraising toolkit is available now. It is a comprehensive pack of resources to help you hold all kinds of events and initiatives to celebrate Purple Day. You may want to raise money to help people with epilepsy or simply raise awareness of the condition in the general public. Either way, there are tonnes of ways to do this, including:

  • Dressing in purple – Whether you’re in the office, at school or out and about in your local community – get everyone to dress in purple!
  • Painting yourself purple – Get sponsored to paint your hair, your face or even your moustache
  • Having a cake sale – Everyone loves cake. Why not organise a purple bake-off and sell your delicious wares to family and friends or colleagues?
You may have another idea for a fundraising event of your own. Whatever your idea, Your purple fundraising toolkit is packed full of things to help you: purplicious balloons, stickers, posters and a Purple Day collection box.

Epilepsy Action's Purple Day wristbandsMeanwhile, why not show your support for Epilepsy Action by wearing a Purple Day wristband (pictured)? This helps raise awareness and can be a talking point – to help you broach the issue and openly discuss epilepsy.

Visit Epilepsy Action’s Purple Day web page where, you can register for Your purple fundraising toolkit or follow links to buy a wristband in the online shop. Remember: whatever you decide to do, make sure you do it purple!

Help us ask: What does epilepsy look like?

Epilepsy is often referred to as the ‘hidden condition’. This is because, unless someone sees you having a seizure, they often have no idea that you have epilepsy! This often means that some people have very little understanding of what epilepsy really is. Or, that there are over 40 different types of epilepsy and types of seizure. Or, that it can affect everyone differently.
We need your help to change this. Last year, we began opening the eyes of the general public, with the help of our supporters, Megan, George, Charlea and Ruth. In a new campaign, we asked the general public: What does epilepsy look like?
The responses were amazing – and one year on, we are looking for people just like you to join us and tell your story. All you need to do is share a photo or image and tell us about your life with epilepsy. If you want to get involved and help challenge epilepsy misconceptions, email campaigns@epilepsy.org now!

Purple Day: literally a landmark event

Leeds First Direct arena turned purple!Is there a landmark or venue in your area that would really attract attention if it was purple?  There might be a special building or fountain, local town hall, council chambers, shopping centre or entertainment arena. You might even want to see your local sports team all in purple.
Why not help us turn the UK purple for 24 hours? Last year, venues across the UK all lit up purple on 26 March to raise awareness of epilepsy. These included London King’s Cross mainline station, The Blackpool Tower and Leeds’ First Direct arena. This year, we hope that we can do even better – but we need your help!  
We have a letter that we would like you to send or email to the owner/manager of your local landmark, requesting their support on 26 March 2015. You can get a copy of the Purple Day landmark letter on Epilepsy Action’s Purple Day webpage.
Please remember to let us know how you get on – especially if your local landmark is going purple! Just let us know the landmark and its location by emailing campaigns@epilepsy.org

Support Purple Day

If you’re struggling for inspiration, there are three simple ways you get help get people talking about epilepsy this Purple Day!
  • Download and print off Epilepsy Action’s awareness-raising poster from Epilepsy Action's . Then, simply find somewhere to put it for all to see. You might display it in your bedroom window or on your noticeboard at work. You might ask someone in your local library, GP surgery or community centre to display the poster for at least one day
  • Follow Epilepsy Action on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and tell us about everything you are doing to celebrate Purple Day
  • Remember to share all Epilepsy Action’s What does epilepsy look like? stories on Purple Day. You will find them on the organisation’s Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest accounts and our website. Please re-tweet, like and share them all – so that we can reach as many people as possible.

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Go Purple on 26 March each year and help spread awareness of epilepsy

Purple Day is a grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. On 26 March each year, people from around the globe are asked to spread the word about epilepsy by wearing purple.
Founded in 2008 by then nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia, Canada, Cassidy started Purple Day in an effort to get people talking about the disorder and inform those with seizures that they are not alone. Cassidy named the day ‘Purple Day’ after the internationally recognised colour for epilepsy - lavender.
Epilepsy Australia is the official Australian partner of Purple Day and has joined up with other epilepsy organizations from across the globe including Canada, USA, UK and South Africa to make Purple Day even bigger. The Epilepsy Foundation is the Victorian member of Epilepsy Australia and is proud to have the official role of promoting Purple Day here in Victoria.

Get involved and go purple! 

Check out our 26 Days 26 Ways to make a difference campiagn. For the 26 days that lead up to International Purple Day for Epilepsy we have created a list of 26 ways that you can be involved.
So get involved, help us increase awareness of epilepsy and raise funds. By doing so, your valued fundraising efforts will assist us to provide vital services and programs for the 220,000 Victorians who will have epilepsy during their lifetime.
Here are a few ‘Purple Day’ ideas to get you started:
  • Wear purple on 26 March and encourage your family, friends and colleagues to join you
  • Register for a Purple Day Information Kit for you, your workplace or school (email Emma Moore for your copy today)
  • Host a Purple Day party or fundraising event on or before Purple Day
  • Become a Purple Day Hero - create your own fundraising page, set a goal and approach those you know for a tax deductible donation.
  • Become an official Ambassador of Purple and help promote Purple Day - email Emma purple@epilepsy.asn.au
  • Buy and/or sell our new Purple Day merchandise including our purple pens, purple awareness ribbons and our purple badges in the shape of an 'e' for epilepsy
  • Encourage your local community, schools and businesses to get involved by holding a purple dress day in return for a gold coin donation

A message from Cassidy Megan - Founder of Purple Day

Hi, my name is Cassidy Megan. I'm 10 years old and I have epilepsy. I started Purple Day because I wanted to tell everyone about epilepsy, especially that all seizures are not the same and that people with epilepsy are ordinary people just like everyone else. I also wanted kids with epilepsy to know that they are not alone.
Before I started Purple Day, I was afraid to tell people about my epilepsy because I thought they would make fun of me. After the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia, Canada, did a presentation in my class, I started to talk with the other kids about my seizures. That is when I decided to become a spokesperson for kids with epilepsy.
Please join me in wearing purple on March 26th to support epilepsy awareness.
Cassidy (2008)
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