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How to Create Your Own Blog

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1. Make the commitment. Blogging will give you an opportunity to dive deeper into a topic you love. It will improve your writing. It will give you a chance to connect with people, maybe even help some of them out in life. Over time it could even give you a chance at making a decent side income.

2. Pick a niche. What do you want your blog to be about? Picking a niche will help you tap into a community passionate about a topic. Picking broad topics might not keep the reader’s attention because the subject matter can vary from post to post.

3. Buy a domain name. Make sure it’s relevant to what your blog is about.

4. Choose a platform. Decide first who you want to blog for. If it’s for yourself, then consider Tumblr or Blogger. If you want to look professional, then WordPress is your best option.

5. Buy hosting. If you’re going the WordPress route, I highly recommend WPEnigine.com. If you’re going another direction, check out Bluehost.com where you get more control over your server. If you’re going with Tumblr or Blogger, they take care of hosting at no cost.

6. Choose a template. If you want to make things look nice, use Themeforest to find beautiful WordPress themes.

7. Create social accounts. Social media helps you get the word out about your blog, and it gives you another way to interact with your audience.

8. Write write write. This is 100% the most important step. Write and write a lot. The more you practice, the better you get, and the more content you have to share with others.

9. Market market market. There are a number of things you can do for marketing including sharing with friends, posting to social media, and buying advertising.

10. Engage with your audience. Engaging your audience will make your blog feel like a community and will go a long ways towards building a devoted following. Reply to readers in the comments section. Interact on social media.

11. Monetize. Once you start getting some traffic, you can start looking at making some money off of your work. Google Adsense provides banner ads. The Amazon.com affiliate program gives you commissions for selling Amazon stuff. Or you can even build your own products to sell.
Good luck with your blog! Make the commitment today!
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7 Daily Habits That Are Aging Your Skin

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What to Avoid Doing to Look Younger

Anti aging skin care secrets are about to know. We have 7 tips to follow anti aging skin care rules. While researchers have yet to find the fountain of youth, there are things you can do now in your everyday life to stay youthful--injections, lifts and tucks aside. Ditch these seven bad habits to maintain your youthful, healthy looks longer.


There is not one thing that smoking is good for, especially when it comes to trying to stay youthful and beautiful. (Have you seen those twin study smoker vs. nonsmoker photos? Wow. Nothing gets women to quit smoking like seeing simulated images of how their faces would age if they didn't quit. Every time you smoke one cigarette you’re breathing in toxins and carcinogens that are damaging your organs, including the largest organ in your body: your skin. Not only that, but the repetitive motions you make puckering your lips to smoke forms deep wrinkles around your lips and mouth. Need further evidence to kick your smoking habit for good? If you’re a woman, smoking will cut your life short by 10 years. This was anti aging skin care tips number one!

Not Wearing SPF

In the fight against wrinkles, not only should you of course avoid tanning, but daily moisturizer with SPF is your number one ally. “Sunscreen applied on a daily basis in the form of an SPF-containing moisturizer or as a separate product is the single best way to promote healthy skin and minimize wrinkling,” explains Dermatologic Surgeon Joseph Sobanko. You need to do this not just in the sunny summer months, but all year round. Harmful UV rays are still definitely present in the winter!
anti aging skin care
anti aging skin care
While you’re protecting your face and neck, don’t forget your hands. You should apply a hand lotion with SPF every day (year round) to protect against wrinkles and age spots. Just think of how often your paws are exposed to the elements. You don't want crypt keeper hands.

Indulging Your Sweet Tooth

A diet rich in sugar is not only bad for your body, but can also affect your skin. Researchers have found that when you eat sugar, it attaches to proteins that actively work to damage other proteins like collagen and elastin. Once attacked, they become brittle and dry, losing the ability to keep your skin tight and full, which results in saggy, wrinkled skin. If the thought of diabetes isn’t enough to kick your midnight sugar cravings, perhaps this is.
(Reference: prevention.com/9aginghabits/list/2.shtml)

Not Wearing Sunglasses

They’re more than just a must-have fashion accessory. You should be wearing sunglasses every day to protect your eyes and eye area from UV damage caused by sun exposure. While shading your eyes from the sunlight will prevent squinting and thereby help minimize the formation of wrinkles around your eyes, sunglasses are also necessary for the health of your eyesight. Repeated unprotected sun exposure can cause skin cancer around the eyes, cataracts (i.e., the darkening of the lens that you look through, causing cloudy, faded vision as you age), and even macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. And that’s just to name a few. Best bet is to go for a pair with UV protection and wear them all year.

Chewing Gum

Not to burst your bubble, but you may want to ditch that chewing gum habit. Recently, anti aging skin care physicians documented a trend in adults: regularly chewing gum causes wrinkles around the mouth. It makes sense:  if your body is repeatedly performing a motion, it’s likely it will start to show wear and tear. In this case, the repetitive up and down of chewing is causing the skin to lose elasticity, and etch wrinkles into your skin. 

Sleeping Positions

Fetal, stomach, side or all sprawled out, everyone has their own comfy sleeping position. While your sleeping position may say something about you psychologically, make sure it’s not saying it on your face. 

“Sleeping in certain positions can predispose your to sleep lines that can become permanently etched in your anti aging skin care,” explains Dermatologist Debra Price. “Sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on your chin, cheeks and chest, and sleeping on your stomach can increase forehead wrinkles.” It puts a whole new spin on beauty sleep, doesn’t it? Price recommends sleeping on your back to minimize wrinkles. If you just can’t, try silk pillowcases, which she says may be helpful because the skin glides over them more easily, producing less wrinkle-causing friction.


It’s not just making you miserable now, stress is also prematurely aging you. Stress ages you by weakening your immune system, makes you more susceptible to cardiovascular disease, and decreases your general wellbeing. The best thing you can do is to learn your stressors and how to manage them now. Do things to help prevent stress from getting to you, and free yourself to age gracefully.
Make sure you are follow all seven anti aging skin care rules to live / look younger.
Happy Living!
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12 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Partner Every Day

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Are you stressed? Struggling to sleep? Turns out there are a number of ailments that can be cured simply by having sex regularly. Here are twelve reasons why you and your partner should be having sex daily!

1. Sex Reduces Stress.

If you’ve had a long day at work or you’re simply feeling a little overwhelmed, then sex will help you relax and reduce your stress levels! During sex our bodies produce dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin which together help us to de-stress, increases our natural happiness levels and enhances desire.

2. Sex Is An Enjoyable Exercise.

When faced with the word ‘workout’ many of us will recoil in horror, unless of course that workout involves sex. Throughout sex our bodies are continually experiencing physiological changes that are consistent with an exercise routine. Our breathing rates rise which in turn burns calories, which means that if you have sex just three times a week you can burn around 7,500 calories a year. That’s the same as running 75 miles!
‘Sex is a really great form of exercise,’ says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness. ‘Like with exercise, consistency helps maximize the benefits.’

3. Sex Helps Your Immune System.

Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that their students who stated they had sex at least twice a week had higher levels of particular antibodies than those who had no sex at all. During sex, antigens like immunoglobulin A are released which are proven to fight the common cold and even flu! Even more good news: the more frequently you engage in sex the more antigens will be released and the healthier you’ll get.

4. Sex Lowers Your Blood Pressure.

Even if it’s just a quickie, some forms of physical contact can improve your blood pressure significantly. A study conducted by the University of Paisley found that sex reduces diastolic blood pressure – which is the bottom number on a blood pressure reading – making us healthier all around!

5. Sex Helps a Healthy Heart.

As our bodies burn calories, it also improves our heart health. Researchers from the New England Research Institute found that men are 45% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases if they have regular sex.

6. Sex Helps Pain Relief.

If you’re experiencing aches, pains or migraines then sex may be a better form of pain relief than pills! Arthritis specialist Dr. George Erlich conducted a study on his patients and found that those who had sex often experienced significantly less pain than their counterparts who went without.

7. Sex Ensures Regular Periods.

If your periods are a bit erratic, it could be down to a stressful lifestyle. As mentioned previously, sex reduces stress and so will also have an impact on your menstrual cycle!

8. Sex Creates Powerful Pelvic Muscles.

As well as quads, back and core muscles, sex also works out your pelvic muscles! Is there a better way of building muscle? I don’t think so! By creating stronger pelvic muscles you also benefit by having better orgasms according to the National Health Service (NHS).
‘For women, as well as helping improve symptoms of urinary incontinence, strong pelvic floor muscles can also mean increased sensitivity during sex and stronger orgasms,’ the NHS states. ‘Pelvic floor exercises can also benefit men with problems such as erectile dysfunction (difficulty getting or keeping an erection) and urinary incontinence’.

9. Sex Reduces The Risk Of Cancer.

Particularly for men, regular sex reduces the chances of developing cancer. In an Australian study published the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were much less likely to suffer form prostate cancer.

10. Sex Makes You Sleep Well.

Like exercise, sex increases your heart rate which leads to relaxation. In addition to this, it’s common knowledge that male ejaculation leads to lethargy which can make men extremely sleepy after sex.
‘After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released,’ says Sheenie Ambardar, MD. a psychiatrist in West Hollywood, California, ‘which is responsible for the feelings of relaxation and sleepiness after sex.’

11. Sex Makes You Look 10 Years Younger.

Having sex three times a week can apparently make you appear 10 years younger than your real age! In his book Secrets of the Superyoung, Scottish researcher and clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, David Weeks states: “It’s good for you to have good sex.” What more incentive do you need?

12. Sex Lengthens Your Life.

The ultimate culmination of all of these wonderful, positive effects regular sex has on our health and minds is that we will add years to our life spans. In fact, a study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that male participants who had sex regularly lived twice as long as those who rarely got any action!
So there you have it: there are officially no downsides to having sex regularly, so get at it!
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How to Make 8 Foods Instantly Better With Tea

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You probably don’t need us to tell you all the benefits of sipping tea. But what you might not realize is that adding the drink to some of your favorite recipes and foods can make them taste so, so much better.

If the only thing you’re doing with your tea is drinking it, we’re here to tell you that you’re seriously missing out. Turns out the drink is versatile. Like, really versatile. (We’re talking brine-your-chicken-in-it, mix-your-butter-with-it, turn-it-into-dessert versatile.) Check out these eight very unexpected—and very delicious—ways to up your food game by simply adding some Iced Tea.

Oatmeal + Tea = Breakfast with a Twist

Whether you’re whipping it up from scratch or going the instant oats route, replace half of the water with unsweetened black or green tea. The oats will cook up just the same, but you get the added bonus of some extra flavor.

Chicken + Tea = The Juiciest Bird

Allow the chicken or turkey to sit in a bath of sweet tea in the refrigerator for several hours to infuse moisture and flavor into the meat. Just be warned: Anyone who tastes the final product—which will have a subtly sweet and unique flavor—to immediately ask you for the recipe. We give you permission to say it was a very complicated process and involved too many ingredients to count.

Tea + Freezer = Your New Favorite Dessert

Grab your favorite flavor, pour it into a pops maker, freeze and enjoy a guilt-free, fat-free dessert.

Butter + Tea = Better Butter

Add a tbsp. of lemon tea to a stick of melted butter. Put the mixture in the fridge to harden. Serve on grilled fish or with warm bread while discussing how you’ll never go back to regular old butter again.

Meat + Tea = A Tender Steak

Use tea’s tenderizing tannins to your advantage: Add black tea to your marinade before throwing the meat in a pan or on the grill. The result: steaks that are juicy, never tough.

Tea + Freezer (Part 2) = Not-So-Basic Ice Cubes

Step 1: Pour your favorite tea into ice cube trays and let freeze.
Step 2: Throw them in a glass and add tea (bonus points for mixing flavors).
Step 3: Smugly congratulate self on never having to drink water-down-thanks-to-melty-ice-cubes drinks again.

Rice + Tea = A Stellar Side

Use green tea in place of water when cooking rice and grains. Just like with the oatmeal, the rice kernels soak up the delicate flavor perfectly.

Chocolate + Tea = Next Level Fondue

Melt pieces of bittersweet dark chocolate with a dash of black or green tea and then dip pieces of fruit into your homemade fondue.
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A few years back, one of my besties introduced me to Rosé. I was hooked instantly. What’s not to love about drinking pink wine?! It’s a necessity for any summer soiree. Plus it makes you feel super fab when you sip something pink like this Rosé Sangria.

I’ve been on a bit of a sangria kick lately. I think it’s because there is such an abundance of insanely delicious fruit at the markets right now, I feel compelled to throw all of it into my drink.
I’ve made sangria a time or two on the blog before, and each one of them is as fantastic as the next. This Strawberry and Peach Rosé Sangria happens to be my current fav for many reasons.
1- Rosé, I’m obsessed. 2- Basil. Basil in cocktails is totally my jam. 3- Peaches. I literally cannot get enough.

  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup brandy
  • 2 cups sliced strawberries
  • 1 cup sliced peaches
  • 1 bottle Rosé
  • 1 bottle Sauvignon Blanc
  • 1 cup chilled club soda or sparkling water
  • 10-20 basil leaves
  1. Add the sugar and brandy to a large pitcher and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Add the fresh fruit, wine and club soda and stir to combine. Add the basil.
  3. Refrigerate the sangria for at least 6 hours before serving.
  4. Serve over ice.
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Do not seek the spring outside. Search it in your soul.
It is March and that means spring. Everything is coming back to life after a cold winter. As nature we also come back to life.
What could be more beautiful than to know that you are a happy and fulfilled person? What could be better than listening to your heart and desires? What could be nicer than to follow your dreams and live each day to the maximum intensity? Can you say that it is impossible? I will answer you that everything is in your hands. It is possible that you may might have heard this a thousand times, but how many times you really take into account what you want and you like? How many times have you ignored what is not important and you appreciate the true values? Tell me what is in your soul, and I will tell you how you feel, how happy you are and what you want to do next.
Do not seek happiness elsewhere. It is in you in the first place. Do not seek your dreams in other people’s wishes and desires, they are in your thoughts. Do not seek the spring outside. Search it in your soul. In your way of being. In your actions and gestures. In your words serenity and in your eyes search for it. You will find it much faster. You will keep it as long as you want. You will create a world of your own, full of light and life. One filled with butterflies and well being. You are your own spring. You have reason to be happy. You are beautiful. You are charming. You are unique. You love!
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6 of The Worst Lies We Tell Ourselves and What to Do About Each

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There are many sorts of lies we tell ourselves.
Some are innocent – we tell them to protect someone because we think it’s better if he doesn’t know about it, or because they can hurt many people. Others are even less damaging – we don’t want to burden others with our problems and tell them we’re fine, or when we want our child to have the last piece of cake we say we don’t want it.

But the worst lies are the ones we tell to ourselves.

Separately, they’re small and insignificant, but after we keep repeating them for years, they become a part of our days and we start believing them, things get bad.
We start living in this illusion of being someone we’re not, doing stuff we don’t like, fearing things that can never actually happen, and much more.
We destroy our peace and emotional freedom and start living in our own prison. This also affects every other person we care about.

Here are the lies we tell ourselves and what to do about them:

1. “I’m fine.”

It’s alright to say it when you don’t want to worry your mother, children or friends. But it’s much worse when you start telling it to yourself.
I’m talking about people who have many problems, and instead of doing something about them, they convince themselves that they’re okay and everything is in order.
But the problems don’t go away. They are just hidden behind this lie, and often get bigger and bigger until one day your world collapses.
What you need to do is be brave and face reality.
You’re a normal human being and even if you’re doing everything right, problems occur. You need to deal with them right away so that you can keep living your life and going after your goals with peace of mind.

2. “I don’t need him/her, I’m better off alone.”

We often push the person we care about away because we think it’s easier not to fall in love and show feelings.
But we end up alone, whether we want it or not. And because the lies we tell ourselves can’t go on forever, things get depressing.
I know we’re all secretly afraid of being hurt and thus decide not to have anything to do with this person, because this way he can’t leave us and break our heart.

But you miss out on one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences life offers you – being in love, having someone special to count on.
It’s okay to be vulnerable every now and then. Others are scared of being hurt too, but life keeps going and you never know if you’re not saying ‘no’ to your soulmate.

So admit it: you need him/her and you’re not better off alone.
Go out there and tell someone you love him. After all, even if he rejects you, you don’t lose anything you actually had before. But if he feels the same way, you get more than you expected.

3. “I don’t need to change. That’s just who I am.”

To some extent that’s true.
But often we say that about our bad habits, when we’ve done something we regret and feel more comfortable to just blame our personality than to actually change.
Most of the times that’s because people don’t really believe that they can change. But they can. It’s in our nature. We’re adaptive and when we don’t like something about ourselves, we can change it.
That’s how we grow, evolve and thrive. And when we stop doing it, we stop moving forward in life too.
So the next time you forget to do something, offend someone, complain too much, are negative, procrastinate, hurt someone, or else, remember that this is just something temporary and you can go back to being the great, compassionate and successful human being you’re meant to be.

4. “I can’t do it.”

Here I’m not even going to give any examples. I’ll just tell you that you actually can.
The word can’t is one of the worst lies we tell ourselves and something we must remove from our vocabulary if we want to develop a powerful mindset.
But you’re not wrong when you say that lie. Whatever it is that you believe you can or can’t do, you’re right. Because that becomes your truth.
After all, we all live in our own version of this world and how stuff works.
But one thing is sure – you can do more than you think you’re capable of. Many men before you have proved that. And many more will.
The easiest way to realize that the thing you consider impossible is not so hard to do, is to let go of past failures, fears, doubts, uncertainties and worries, and just give it a try.

5. “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

Everyone does.
Happiness is absolutely free, and the universe has a lot of it. Everyone can have as much as they want, and the more they share it with others, the more it gets.
That’s how things work.
Even if you’ve done something bad, you deserve a second chance. You can become a better person, help others, and be happier than you’ve ever imagined.
But the first step is to stop telling yourself such lies and understand that you’re worth it and can be happy again.

6. “Now is not the right time.”

Say that a few times and eventually ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’.
The truth is that there’s no better time to do what you want than now. You never know what the future has in store.
This moment is full of opportunities – you can tell someone you love him, get stuff done, go after your goals, call someone, start working on something you’ve been putting off for a long time, say sorry, stop smoking, start exercising, read that book, watch that movie, go out, and so on.
Later may never come and all those things you have to say may remain unsaid, and your life can remain unlived. Are you really ready to take such a risk?

These are just some of the lies we tell ourselves daily. As you can guess, there are many versions of them.
This behavior is self-destructive as we ruin our chances to change, turn our dreams into reality and live a better life.
Only by admitting that we’re lying, noticing when we do it and trying to replace the lies with positive statements, can we embrace freedom and be ready to show the world what we’re capable of.
What about you? Can you think of other lies we tell ourselves?
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Home remedies for migraine

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Migraine is such a common ailment that affects millions of people around the world, especially women between 15 and 55 years. Migraine headache results from contraction of muscles in the head. Other causes of headache can be hormonal changes or exhaustion. It causes severe head pain.

The difference between migraine and headache is the recurring appearance of crisis, which last between 2 and 72 hours, where the following symptoms occur:

  • Dolores head (more on one side than another head).
  • Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli (light or noise).
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Fatigue.
  • Altered vision.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Affective manifestations, such as anxiety.

Migraine symptoms:
  • Mental confusion.
  • Need to sleep more.
  • Neck Pain.
There are different causes that precipitate the onset of migraine and include situations you both physical, and biological or psychological:
  • Alcohol intake.
  • Foods like cocoa, milk, citrus fruits, nuts, spices and preservatives.
  • Menstruation or use of birth control pills.
  • Prolonged insolation.
  • Alteration of sleep rhythms.
  • Stress.
  • Prolonged fasting.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Bright lights and loud noises.
Some home remedies for migraine are as follows:
    1. Place on the forehead a shell of watermelon or banana and secure it with gauze.
    2. Take a tablespoon of grated nutmeg in a cup of water.
    3. Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with each meal. This reduces the frequency of migraines.
    4. Inhaling fumes from a bottle of strong mustard.
    5. Perform footbaths or hands where I added lemon juice has.
    6. Pour a teaspoon of sour orange and peppermint in a cup of boiling water. Cover, leave to cool and strain. Take a cup after the main meal for three months.
    7. Immerse your feet in a bucket with hot water and add three tablespoons of salt.

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Understanding Female Psychology

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“One ought to hold on to one’s heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head too.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
1.) Introduction
2.) The Cultural Battle of the Sexes
3.) Solipsism’s Role In Femininity
4.) The Role of Rationalisation & Sophistry
5.) In Closing/Relevant Reading

1.) Introduction:

As I write this, I cast my mind back to a time I did not understand women. It is surreal to write on “how women work” when one so vividly remembers being a man clueless in such matters.

As a clueless man bereft of the knowledge my sanity demanded, I would ask men to explain women, I would ask women to explain women, and I would ask Google to explain women. Nobody really knew what they were talking about. The only answers I would get were gynocentric inanities mixed with general rhetorical platitudes such as “be yourself” and “be confident”.
The problem with the mainstream gynocentric viewpoint is it teaches men how to be a good slave, rather than a good master. It teaches men how to cater to women, rather than how to inspire a woman’s desire to cater to them. It actively suppresses truths related to women, whilst spreading vitriolic untruth about men. At this point it seems the system would prefer men are useful but ignorant, rather than enlightened and sovereign.
Men yearn to understand women, for they wish to attract them, as well as protect themselves from womanly predations. This knowledge is essential paramount sustenance all but crucial for the preservation of man’s sanity. And yet quite sadistically, this wisdom eludes most men no matter how earnestly they seek it.
Today, life changing truth is only readily available should a man happen upon a site such as this. Most men are unaware of women’s true nature, and the minority who are aware dare not discuss the elephant in the room, for doing so may come at incredible cost.

2.) The Cultural Battle of the Sexes:
The number of men aware of the realities inherent to female nature continues to dwindle, whilst the cultural hysteria touting “men are evil and women can do no wrong” reigns pervasively.
Men are taught to worship women, whilst women are taught to distrust men. Men are taught to serve women, whilst women are taught to deceive men. Society believes it morally reprehensible for a man to dupe a woman, and yet bares no such disdain when the polarity is reversed, often going to extreme lengths to rationalise aesthetically pleasing justifications for immoral female behaviour.

Before the emergence of red pill philosophy, no meaningful infrastructure existed to support and educate men on matters of women, and this is why what we do is crucial. We educate boys and men on matters nobody else is capable of, and support them where nobody else cares.
Culturally there is a power imbalance where the masculine has become so weak and the feminine has gotten so out of control, that she threatens to destabilise civilization’s very core with a tyrannic power she is not fit to wield. The red pill (as well as this very publication) does to the extent of its reach, attempt to redress this imbalance by giving men the tools they need to exercise power and remain sovereign.

Red pill philosophy is effective, it thoroughly details female behaviour from numerous perspectives (sociologically, evolutionarily and occasionally, economically) to form a rich and comprehensive philosophy.
However, having internalised much of this “forbidden knowledge” over the years, I wish to do something I do not believe has been done before: unify the red pill understanding of women into a framework that depicts the relationships between the mechanisms that embody the feminine.
When I was clueless about women, I’d have killed for an article like this, so if that sounds like you, strap yourself in because you’re in for a treat. You’re going to learn what many men never learn, and what many others pay in pain and poverty to merely intuit.

3.) Solipsism’s Role In Femininity:
One cannot deny that women are vigorously interested in themselves and how men perceive them, yet regardless, this passion does not translate into a meaningful philosophical enquiry on womankind by herself. As such, a woman’s opinion of her sex is inseparably tied up with how she sees herself. To simplify: whatever a woman believes to be true of women, is 99 out of 100 times, something she believes to be true of herself.

Solipsism leads women to believe the opinions they hold of themselves accurately represent the behaviours generalisable to their sex. Naturally most women are oblivious to their flaws, and are as a matter of ego, unwilling to even ponder the possibility they’re not intrinsically wonderful.
Most women do not realise the negative traits they possess should be rectified where possible or otherwise mitigated, because they do not recognise themselves as having said undesirable qualities to begin with. Simply put, women lack self-awareness, they tend to deny their shortcomings rather than fix them, and this is why there is a substantial lack of bodies in the women’s online self-improvement community.

If you talk about the general nature of women to a woman, but you do not distinguish between her and “most women”, she will almost always lump herself in with “most women” and fail to make the distinction between herself and women as a whole. This leads her to constantly miss the forest for trees, stating that “she was in a similar situation and she was never like that” when you generalise her sex.

Now, whilst it is certainly possible the woman you’re talking to may be the exception to something, it is more likely that she is not but believes in all delusional earnest that she is. Because she follows her feelings, and it feels better for her to believe she’s different than to be aware of her shortcomings, she will believe an aspect of her behaviour immune to generalisation even when her behaviours confirm the generalisation!

You may even remember a time when the woman you’re talking to embodied the exact generalisation you’re asserting, and yet like a crazy person with amnesia, she will claim to be nothing like that. This is another “function” of solipsism, a woman’s pre-occupation with the self is mirrored by an utter lack of self-awareness of what said self consists of.

And so it is only in the grand denial of a woman’s solipsism that if she believes there’s nothing “wrong” with her, then there’s nothing “wrong” with women either. If she believes she’s not like that, then she incorrectly concludes that most women aren’t like that either.

It is the observation that nearly all women will unironically say “not all women are like that” that gives away the feminine’s solipsistic point of reference, that a woman will attempt to differentiate herself as superior when in competition, but should you criticise women in general, suddenly her ability to make distinctions between herself and her group vanishes.

In juxtaposition, if something negative is said about men, most men can simultaneously weigh up whether the generalisation applies to men as a group, and if it does, if it applies to them. They do not instantly conflate opinions of their sex with opinions of themselves, and so unlike women, are not reflexively offended by negative statements made about their sex if an element of that statement is based in reality.

Naive men believe “women must be experts on women, because being women themselves they know all about women!” such a belief is folly, and no more than a reflection of a man’s naivety, for it assumes women are abstractive rather than solipsistic, that is, more interested in the truth than being purposefully ignorant in order to maintain an optimum level of happiness. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

When women talk about women, they project rather than investigate because they’re prone to emotional solipsism, not rational investigation. Solipsism is the core base of all female behaviour, it is the intrinsic way of being, the very foundation on which the female’s other psychological aspects spawn.
Women with little power and low self-esteem are solipsistic and prone to infantile narcissism, whilst those with high self-esteem and great power are grandiosely narcissistic, the latter meaning they possess a characteristically masculine air of arrogant detachment.

Where solipsism is her internal dialogue and mode of thought, its external counterpart is infantile narcissism, women’s insecurity of her relative inferiority to man, and dependence on men. If one analyses the thinking of the feminist movement for a second, a great part of it fixates on “empowering women by granting them independence.”

This suggests a few things, that firstly, women do not possess the ability or desire to take independence for themselves and so need powerful politicians to legally mandate it. And secondly, that the feminist fixation with independence is a macro manifestation of female insecurity. This to say, that women are all too aware of their reliance on men for both economic and emotional support, and that collectively, rather than be grateful for man’s magnanimity, a great deal despise it. The saying “no good deed goes unpunished” seems apt here.

Women are deadly, yet needy. They have always needed men, still do, and most likely always will. And yet it is in the infantile stubbornness of femininity that a resentment brews for this biologically ordained neediness.
Even the women who do well to provide for themselves end up requiring a man who earns more than they, who is mentally stronger than they, and so on. A woman is hypergamous by her very nature, and thus much to the disdain of her insecurity, requires male superiority in order to even find men attractive.

The topic of feminine infantile narcissism presents the perfect opportunity to explore why women are more inherently cunning than men. It is because women are so incredibly aware of their heightened neediness relative to men that they develop an intrinsic penchant for cunning. They are all too aware the depth and breadth of assistance they require from the opposite sex is greater than the inverse, and so it is this position in large part which fuels their motive for manipulating as a way of life.

Women are in a position of neediness, and yet they cannot fully trust men to give them what they need, so they manipulate men in order to give them what they want, but then resent the men who fall prey to such devices. This phenomenon alone should explain to you the mental hell women occupy, and explain much of their external craziness.

Even the sweetest, kindest, best raised woman is a cunning creature, for it is in the insecurity inherent to reliance that a woman protects herself via the impassioned practice of cunning. I believe that where nature gave man superior strength, women were bestowed pathological cunning. Unfortunately, what was granted to be used as a means of defence, is often in practice used for anything but.

Infantile as they are, women are ill-equipped to handle power, and that which is born out of the insecurity that a man may do her wrong, turns into an exploitative, predatory misuse of power that fuels grandiose narcissism, and thus masculinises her. The aforementioned relationships between the different aspects of the female psyche do not explain it in its entirety, but nonetheless, should accurately depict its root and core.

4.) The Role of Rationalisation & Sophistry:
In contrast to the prior section, this section will be quite short as many of the mechanisms relevant to this behaviour are aptly described in my distillation of solipsism. Whilst solipsism requires greater explanation because of its breadth as “something she is”, rationalisation requires less explanation because it’s merely “something she does.”
Rationalisation is the grand act of seeking justification or explanation for something that has occurred in order to flatter/benefit the person who performed the behaviour. It is not an honest attempt to understand what causes a behaviour.
Women often do not understand why they feel what they feel, because rationally verbalising primal impulses is difficult if not impossible. She cannot acknowledge that she doesn’t even know why she said or did something as she’ll look stupid. So to save face, she will come up with persuasive nonsense to reconcile the irrationality of her behaviour with the aestheticism of something that sounds convincing.
To simplify, she will find something that sounds reasonable to explain her behaviour, regardless of whether this is the true cause of said behaviour. As long as it makes her look and feel good, it is a sufficient rationalisation that serves the purpose she needs it to.
Women are far less concerned with communicating the truth about themselves than they are maintaining an acceptable image. Again, this is why it is folly to ask women about women. They’re less interested, capable and incentivised to understand themselves than men are.

5.) In Closing / Relevant Reading:
Here before you lies just a few of the aspects inherent to the operating system of female psychology. It is incomplete, as a complete treatise on the topic is not merely substantial in depth, but likewise of breadth. Time permitting, it is my desire to pen a follow up piece that details other aspects inherent to female nature, linking them in with the aspects previously described in order to create a coherent framework.
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Confucius says: The Top 10 Quotes by Confucius

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Confucius, whose name literally means "Master Kong", lived 551-479 BCE. He was a Chinese thinker and philosopher, whose teachings have deeply influenced not only Asian thought and life. He presented himself as a "transmitter who invented nothing" and he really pointed out the importance of learning, which is one reason he is seen by Chinese people as "The Greatest Master".
One of the best known sources of Confucius are The Analects, a collection of his teachings, which was compiled many years after his death. A fountain of extremely mindful quotes springs from these ancient descriptions.

Many of them are universal and timeless in their beautiful and simple truth and they are as valid today as on the day they left Confucius’ mouth. Here we take a look at 10 of the most inspiring quotes by Confucius.

Confucius says …

1. "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."
It’s the "Golden Rule" and the essence of real compassion . Not compassion as in looking down on someone and have pity for another, this is no real compassion. Compassion means seeing another person 100% equal to yourself (in value, not in differentials on the surface which ultimately do not matter). In fact it is seeing yourself in every other person. And therefore you cannot harm anyone without also harming yourself.

It doesn’t mean to lose individuality or self-worth, on the contrary – but the other person earns the same gift.

2. "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance."

That’s my personal favorite quote since it expresses something very profound which also is very useful to know: Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. It is not widen one’s own perspective in order to see a broader truth. As an example it would be to have racist thoughts and not realizing that all men are equal.

The ultimate truth therefore is where there is absolutely no ignorance, meaning where the perspective or consciousness has become one with all that there is. In Buddhism ignorance (Avidyā) is seen as the primary cause of suffering. Liberation is Enlightenment. Another quote by Confucius here is "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star."

3. "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

Those quotes are just perfect. What he is expressing here is that we have to experience something ourselves in order to really understand it. If we are hearing something it might be interesting. If we are seeing something it might be beautiful. But only if we feel in happening to ourselves we can really know how it is.

Picture something nice as winning an Olympic gold medal or picture something terrifying as the loss of a loved one. Can you know this by hearing it or by seeing it? Or do you have to do it and experience it yourself to really know it?

Along with this realization comes the awareness that you cannot understand someone or his actions from hearing or seeing it from the outside. You have to feel empathic compassion for him to really know what it is like. To know and not to do is really not to know. Only by applying our knowledge we can validate it’s harmony with reality, it’s truth.

4. "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
Amazing. It calls for dropping the inner mask through which we constantly see and evaluate the world, distorted by our wants and belief-systems. Here we have to look at things as they are. Just like a newborn child would look at things. Then we are able to really see again, without instant labeling of what we see and therefore only really seeing our label. If we become able to do this – just for a second without judgment, we can see that everything in nature is as it should be. And in this natural perfection lies beauty.

5. "The Superior Man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage."

Another quote is "The object of the superior man is truth." It is the value of integrity: Do we act to our best knowledge of truth or do we bend ourselves and violate our integrity in order to gain an advantage? Do we play fair game or use perfidious tactics?

To be truthful to ourselves is also important to the development of (good) character. And it is the only straight way to liberation.

6. "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
Whatever you do and whatever you commit to, do it fully, give your all – one hundred percent. It is the essence of Carpe Diem – Seizing the day and it’s surely the best way to be satisfied with what we do and get the best results.

7. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do."

There is no failure, there are only valuable learning experiences. Or as Thomas Edison about inventing the light bulb said: "I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." The important thing is not giving up, but learning and then improving by using this feedback to get better and ultimately succeed.

A quote expressing the same principle is "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake."

8. "He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."
Confucius explains the connection of learning and reflection. Reflection of that what we learned by thinking or of the results we get by applying the knowledge. "Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous" is a similar quote by Confucius. Learning is only useful if we connect the learning within our own minds, with what we already know and what is useful for us. This reflection of any knowledge also saves us from blindly following any knowledge without checking its truthfulness and validity to us.

I think everybody experienced learning when we really want this knowledge and interweave it with what we already know. If there is a need or problem we want to solve, the consume knowledge much more effective than it happens for students in many universities.

9. "He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."
This quote calls for planning and preparation. This includes getting and improving the personal skills we need to be successful. If we want to hold speeches we have to become good with communication skills. If we want to win a race we have to train for it. If we want to do a big project we need knowledge in project management. Steven Covey calls it Sharpening the saw, read about it here.

10. "If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?"
It shows that our primary work lies within ourselves: to work on ourselves and improve will automatically take care of the outside world if we use our abilities then. "When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." The solution to problems is not "out there". It is the Inside-Out approach: success and happiness can only be found by working on ourselves. It also entails the spiritual message to look inside and to discover ourselves fully.
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12 Surprising Facts About Infidelity

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Discover things you never knew about why men cheat that could save your marriage

Can you spot a husband prone to infidelity? If he's unhappy with his wife, he'll cheat, right? Not necessarily. According to a Rutgers University study, 56% of men who have affairs claim to be happy in their marriages. They're largely satisfied with all they have and aren't looking for a way out, yet they still find themselves in bed with other women—and in hot water with their wives. Here, experts explain this phenomenon and dispel other popular cheating myths.

Fact #1: Most men are still in love with their wives when they cheat.

Men who cheat haven't fallen out of love; they've become unsatisfied with the current state of it. "Cheating usually occurs in the phase of companionate love, when couples begin to settle down, have kids and solidify the life being built together," says clinical psychologist Andra Brosh, PhD. While they're fulfilled in some areas, like being a provider, the romance may be missing. "We more often think of women complaining about a lack of romance, but men feel it, too," says Dr. Brosh. "They frequently suffer in silence, believing they can't get what they want from their spouses." To avoid this in your marriage, plan nights out together, set aside time for sex and discuss hopes and dreams—not just workdays and your son's last soccer game.

Fact #2: Men usually cheat with women they know.

Cheaters don't generally pick up random women in bars. "My first husband cheated on me with a childhood friend," says Diane* from New York City. "His family was close to her family, so they never lost touch." Intimacy expert Mary Jo Rapini explains, "A lot of women think that all cheating women are floozies—not true. The relationships are usually friendships first." In fact, more than 60% of affairs start at work, according to Focus on the Family. A good idea: Make sure your husband feels more connected to you than to his business partner. "Spouses go to work, take care of their kids and do separate things at night. That has to stop," says Rapini. She suggests always going to bed at the same time and cuddling.

Fact #3: Men cheat to save their marriages.

"Men love their spouses, but they don't know how to fix their relationship problems, so they go outside their marriages to fill any holes," says licensed marriage and family therapist Susan Mandel, PhD. Men want it all and have the skewed notion that another woman will make the longing for something more disappear. Then, they can live happily ever after with their wife—and their mistress—without confronting the real issues.

Fact #4: Men hate themselves after affairs.

You may think of cheaters as men without morals, but while they may like what they did, they tend to despise themselves after their indiscretions. "If he puts his ego to the side, he'll feel like a piece of garbage," says relationship expert Charles J. Orlando, author of The Problem with Women...Is Men. "After all, he's betraying another human being who he claims to care about, so that takes its toll on every part of his psyche." A cheater can feel as though he's failed as a man.

Fact #5: Cheaters often get friskier with their wives when affairs begin.

Just because a husband's touchy-feely doesn't mean his marriage is on firm footing. "When a man starts cheating, he becomes hyperactive sexually," says Rapini, explaining that his sex drive has been awakened, and his wife is still the one with whom he feels most comfortable sexually. If you notice a sudden change in your husband's sex drive, it should raise a red flag. Be on the lookout for the switch to flip off again. "After the affair is solid, he may begin to pull away," says Rapini.

Fact #6: Women cheat just as much as men, and their affairs are more dangerous.

An Indiana University study shows that men and women cheat at the same rate. But "the reasons the sexes cheat are different," says Orlando. He explains women are more likely to cheat for emotional satisfaction. "Online cheating—without any physical contact—is the most damaging type of infidelity," says Orlando. Becoming emotionally invested in another person means you've likely checked out of your marriage. But if it's just sex, it's less about attachment and more about a hurtful mistake.

Fact #7: A wife often knows her husband's cheating.

How could Tiger Woods's ex, Elin Nordegren, and Arnold Schwarzenegger's ex, Maria Shriver, not have known what their high-profile husbands were up to? They probably did, but couldn't bear to acknowledge it. "At one level, I knew, but my denial was so strong," says Lily* from Toronto, Canada. "The pain, had I accepted it at that time, would have been too horrendous, so I had to process it slowly." According to Dr. Brosh, the jilted celebrities were likely doing the same thing: choosing what they could live with for the sake of their kids or to avoid humiliation and the fallout.

Fact #8: A couple will never work it out when the husband is in the midst of an affair.

They could agree to work on things, but it won't matter. If he's still in the throes of a hot, new romance, nothing a woman does will drag him out of it. "He's got such positivity happening, without all the drama that exists in the established relationship," says Orlando. The marriage will likely fail, unless he decides on his own accord that life isn't better with the other woman. So the key is prevention. Continue to be the woman he first fell for throughout your marriage. "Women often turn from a loving girlfriend into a nagging wife. Men aren't attracted to that." Dole out compliments and surprise him with sex—don't just yell at him about that towel on the bathroom floor, suggests Dr. Mandel.

Fact #9: Affairs can often fix a marriage.

Is infidelity the kiss of death for a couple? Not always. Although a new relationship is exciting, "an affair can rekindle the marriage," says Orlando. "Men realize who they want for the rest of their lives and that the new relationship isn't as perfect as they thought." But think hard before returning to a cheater. "Flings can highlight how little self-control someone has," explains Orlando. Still, if it was truly a one-time slip, it's possible to get back on track.

Fact #10: Even after rebuilding the marriage, a husband may still miss the affair.

Sadly, he might love his wife and want to salvage the marriage, but he doesn't totally forget about the affair. "He might miss the great things about the other woman—fun, zero responsibilities, sex, the rush or the chase—but oftentimes he misses how he feels about himself when he was with her, which is more damaging if he's trying to return to his marriage," says Orlando. Again, acting as you did when the relationship was new could help.

Fact #11: A cheater knows he's hurting the woman he loves, tearing his family apart and sacrificing his honor.

A man may realize the negative impact on his wife, family and himself, but still continue an affair. How? "It's all in the perception of the cheater," says Orlando. "If he feels unwanted, undervalued and taken for granted, his personal needs of being wanted, valued and appreciated will win out."

Fact #12: The wife's not to blame if her husband cheats on her.

Realize this: If your husband is unfaithful, it's not your fault, no matter what people say. "When a man cheats, he's making a conscious choice to do it," says Dr. Brosh. "The idea of being pushed into the arms of another woman is an expression, not a reality." Orlando echoes this sentiment: "Men don't cheat because of who she is; they cheat because of who they're not," he says. "The 'fault' is that the signs of disconnection have been ignored by both parties."
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