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Beauty Tips

Hey Gorgeouslicious Babes!

Want to fix your beauty problems overnight? Read on . . .

You know your skin works best while you sleep. As soon as you shut your eyes, your skin cells go to work, repairing damage and restoring your complexion. Night is the best time to pamper yourself with simple yet effective beauty treatment. So why not treat your skin with some natural treatment for the whole new glow!! Follow these overnight beauty tips and wake up looking your best.

CTM Routine – The Basics of Skin Care

Ironically, it is not just a simple basic routine that most of us know about but choose to ignore it. Cleansing your skin first, toning it and at the end moisturizing it, are considered as the three basic things that you must do to ensure a healthy glowing skin. CTM can make a huge contribution to the health of your skin. It enhances your beauty naturally and keeps your skin looking younger and healthier. “CTM is an absolute must. It’s the basic skin care regime, one should follow twice every day, for the rest of your life to get and keep skin”, says Ambika Pillai, the renowned makeup artist. So Girls, just start CTM and wake up with Gorgeouslicious Skin as a princess. I will also explain you the procedure of CTM in my future post. So, do you do CTM as part of your daily skin care?

Never sleep with makeup on 

Are you guilty of sleeping in your makeup? I know how difficult it is to remove your makeup when you had a long day at office or a late night out and you are full exhausted. I totally understand, in fact I do sleep with makeup often. It feels like the bed is calling your name but wait right there! Before you fall face first into your pillow, be sure to remove your makeup because if you go to bed in full-faced makeup, this will easily cause pores to become clogged and way larger than you want them to visibly be. Makeup, dirt and oil quickly build up to cause blackheads, whiteheads and acne. The skin renews itself while you sleep, and when you leave makeup on, you are preventing that from happening. The skin ceases to breathe and fatigue signs appear soon enough.


Skipping the night cream is a big no-no. Do care of your skin before going to bed. Slathering on a quality night cream before you go to sleep can lead to clearer and smoother skin. Trust me, Night Cream is the Mantra of overnight beautiful skin. But wait!  …Give it some time! The night creams are not going to miraculously transform your skin in one night. They take days and even weeks to show their full effects. So be patient and don’t forget to apply the product every night. Pick a cream that works with your skin type by focusing your biggest concern. Whether it’s fine lines, acne or uneven skin tone, there’s a product for you. Chose wisely to find the right one. 

Get enough sleep 

It turns out that sleep quality and healthy, youthful skin are deeply linked. A poor sleep leads to a dull, dehydrated complexion. Your night cream will not get much time to work unless you sleep well. Don’t expect magic from your night cream, if you’re only in bed for 3-4 hours.  Make sure you sleep at least for seven to eight hours of shut-eye.  A good sleep allows the skin to restore its natural balance and increases the effectiveness of your of certain skin care ingredients, potentially providing more benefit to your skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin will show it. So sleep!

Rise and shine to a good hair day with overnight Hair treatment

Want to wake up with those beautiful dream locks! Make them silky smooth by applying plenty amount of warm hair oil at the night. Massage them well in circular motion into your roots with your finger tips. Leave overnight and wash them in the morning(avoid regular oiling when your skin texture is oily as the scalp would produce oil naturally). This will make your hair Healthy, soft and shiny. This will give your hair a natural bounce boost too!

Are you skipping your under eye care?

Give your eyes a wake-up call. Since skin around the eyes is much thinner than that of the face, wrinkles may appear prematurely. Choose an eye cream that meets your specific needs like puffiness, dark circles or fine lines. Look for products that are made specifically with these concerns in mind. Trust me, eye creams do work!  But they only show results, if they are used properly and for a long enough time. For Homemade treatment, you can also simply massage a small amount of almond oil around your eyes using your ring finger to treat dark circles and fines lines. For me, skipping the night cream is a big no-no !


Are your feet rough, dry or cracked? The simple remedy is wash your feet then slather on Vaseline or any thick moisturizer on your feet every night.  You can massage them with some warm Coconut oil/ Olive oil if Vaseline/moisturizer is not available. Then wear cotton socks and go to sleep. The socks ensure the moisturizer sticks to your skin and penetrates easily and in the morning you’ll have super soft feet. Give it a try, it is one of the outstanding overnight beauty treatments for your feet. 


It’s true that turning over during the night will cause friction that will lead to frizz and breakage. Solution? Get yourself a satin or Silk pillow cover. Its slippery surface will let your hair to slip all through the night with minimum damage. In addition it will be a true luxury experience for you. It also can help your face look fresh and crease-free in the morning!  Also, make sure you brush your hair properly before you say “Hi” to your pillow. Always start at the ends and work your way up to the root, this will prevent your hair from breakage. Sleeping in a loose braid will also help prevent knots in the morning.


Wake up with soft and kissable lips by applying a thin layer of Vaseline or Almond/Coconut oil before going to bed at night. Exfoliation is also one of the best way to get super soft lips for both guys and ladies. Sugar lip scrub is not only gentle but also a natural way of removing dead skin without risking any chemical irritation or damage. You can also add natural honey and olive oil to moisturize your lips at the same time. This is the best homemade lip exfoliator you can never go wrong with. After exfoliation, apply Vaseline as usual regularly to have soft, smooth lips when you wake up. There are many lip balms are also available that are made from natural extracts, you can pick them too. 

Get those thicker and Long EYELASHES / eyebrows

You can get the thicker and long eyelashes or eyebrows easily by applying castor oil or Oilve Oil. Massage gently to your eyelashes/eyebrows before going to bed at night. The result may visible after 8 weeks or so. It’s worth trying, especially when it’s free!

Get soft, youthful and beautiful hands that everyone wants to touch

By now, you already know the trick to have soft feet, here’s how you can have soft hands as well. Start by exfoliating your hands with a homemade scrub using sugar and olive oil. Now, use vitamin E oil or your regular hand cream to massage your hands. Wear a pair of gloves and go to sleep. You will wake up in the morning with smoother, softer and younger looking hands. 


This article would be incomplete if I would not discuss about those dirty pimples! We all know the pathetic timing of pimples – they strike you right before a big event. Isn’t it? But don’t you worry about it. Simply, dab a little toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning to make your breakout less noticeable.

Hope you liked this post!! What are your favorite overnight beauty treatments ? Do share them with me in comments please.

Stay Gorgeouslicious!


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